
The Times They’re a Changin’ – Bob Dilan, nobelovac


Kultni muzičar '68-ih Bob Dilan dobitnik je Nobelove nagrade za književnost za 2016. godinu, odlučila je Švedska akademija. 100 pesama Boba Dilana

Nobelovu nagradu za književnost dobio je pevač i poeta Bob Dilan, jedan od najuticajnijih svetskih muzičara, rođen 24. maja 1941. u Dulutu, u Minnesoti, kao Robert Alen Zimerman.

On je odrastao u jevrejskoj porodici srednje klase u gradu Hibing. Muzičku karijeru otpočeo je kao tinejdžer, kada je 1959. počeo da svira u lokalnim barovima. Vremenom se njegovo interesovanje za muziku produbio, sa posebnom strašću za američku folk muziku i bluz. Jedan od njegovih idola bio je folk pevač Vudi Gatri (1912 – 1967). On je takođe bio pod uticajem ranih autora Bit generacije, kao i modernističkih pesnika. Nekoliko godina Dilan je mešao folk muziku sa sve složenijim pesama i okretao se sve više zvuku rokenrola.

Robert Alen Zimerman je 1959, u nastupima na folk koncerima (Dinkytown folk music circuit ) počeo da se predstavlja kao „Bob Dilan“, a kasnije je u autobiografiji napisao da je to bilo u čast velškog pesnika Dilana Tomasa (Dylan Thomas, 1914 – 1953), čija poezija je uticala na njega kao pisca pesama. Taj uticaj je bio više od izbora „umetničkog imena“, i odrazio se na stil i tip pesama koje je Bob Dilan pisao.

Dilan se preselio u Njujork 1961. godine i počeo da nastupa pevajući protestne pesme uz akustičnu gitaru u klubovima i kafićima u Grinvič Vilidžu, a od samog početka, isticao se blistavim tekstovim, koje su mnogima bile izvor inspiracije.

Upoznao je producenta Džona Hamonda, sa kojim je (1962) potpisao ugovor za svoj debi album.

Sa električnim rok bendovima svirao je 1965. godine na festivalu Folk Njuport.

Dilanove ture u 1965. i 1966. privukle su veliku pažnju. U tom periodu režiser D. A. Penebaker je dokumentovao život oko bine iz čega je nastao film Do not Look Back (1967).

Dilan je snimio veliki broj albuma u kojima se bavio temama kao što su: socijalni uslovi ljudi, religija, politika i ljubav. Njegovi albumi su imali ogroman uticaj na popularnu muziku: „Blonde On Blonde“ (1966), „Blood On The Tracks“ (1975), „Oh Mercy“ (1989), „Time Out Of Mind“ (1997) , “ Modern Times (2006)“.

Postao je ikona roka i antiratnih pokreta, na svom putu od folka do roka. Neke od njegovih pesama su postale kultne: „The Times They’re a Changin'“, „Mr. Tambourine Man,“ „Like a Rolling Stone,“ „Blowin’ in the Wind“, „Masters of War“, „A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall“, „Subterranean Homesick Blues“, „Bringing It All Back Home“, (Videti više: Bob Dylan songs, sajt Boba Dilana

Od kraja 1980-ih, Bob Dilan je uporno realizovao poduhvat „Never-Ending Tour“…

Po saopštenju Švedske akademije nagrada Bobu Dilanu je dodeljena zato što je on „stvorio nov poetski izraz u okviru velike tradicije američke pesme“.

Sara Danijus, književni naučnik i stalni sekretar 18-člane Švedske akademije, koji dodeljuje nagradu je Dilana nazvala „velikim pesnikom u engleskoj govornoj tradiciji“. Na pitanje da li odluka da se nagrada dodeli muzičaru signalizira proširenje definisanja literature, ona je u šali odgovorila citirajući Dilanovu pesmu: „The times they are a changing, perhaps“.

Dilan je po njenim rečima neko ko već 54 godine iznova i iznova menja samog sebe. Denius je objašnjavala da izbor možda jeste iznenađujući, ali ukoliko se osvrnemo 5000 godina unazad, doći ćemo do vremena kada su otkriveni Homer i Sapfo, čiji su poetski tekstovi bili namenjeni javnim nastupima, a isti je slučaj i sa Bobom Dilanom…

Dilan ima status ikone. Njegov uticaj na savremenu muziku je dubok, konsatuje se u biografskom prilogu koji o novom literarnom nobelovcu objavljuje Švedska akademija (Videti: The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016., Bob Dylan, Biobibliographical Notes, Svenska Akademien)…

Svira gitaru, usnu harmoniku i klavir. Tokom 50 godina karijere više od 30 albuma, a od devedesetih se bavi i slikarstvom. Kao umetnik, on je upadljivo svestran: Bio je aktivan i kao glumac i scenarista.

Pored velikog broja albuma, Dilan je objavio eksperimentalni rad Tarantula (1971) i zbirku tekstova i crteža Writings and Drawings(1973).

Dilanova lirika je objavljena u zbirkama: The Complete Annotated Lyrics (edited by Christopher Ricks, Lisa Nemrow, and Julie Nemrow, 2014), Lyrics 1962–2001 (2004), The Definitive Bob Dylan Songbook (2001), Forever Young (2008). Dvadesetak njegovih pesama je objavljeno u Hollywood Foto-Rhetoric: The Lost Manuscript (2008). Dilan je autor memoara Chronicles: Volume One (2001), Tarantula (1971)…

Napisao je autobiografiju Chronicles (2004), u kojoj piše o uspomenama iz ranih godina u Njujorku.

Zanimlivo može biti to a se u Njujorku čulo izvesno osporavanje odluke Švedske akademije da nagradi Dilana:

U komentaru u Njujork Tajmsu Ana Nort u tekstu Why Bob Dylan Shouldn’t Have Gotten a Nobel piše zašto Dilan nije trebalo da dobije Nobelovu nagradu. Po njenom mišljenju On je veliki, ali nije pisac. Dodelom nagrade Dilanu, Nobelov komitet je izabrao da je ne dodeli ga piscu, a to je razočaravajuće izbor, jer Dilanu Nobelova nagrada nije potrebna, ali je potrebna piscima koji su ove godine ostali bez nje.

„Da, gospodin Dilan je sjajan tekstopisac. Da, on je napisao knjigu proze poezije i autobiografije. Da, moguće je da se analiziraju njegove pesme kao poezija. Ali pisanje gospodina Dilana je neodvojivo od njegove muzike. On je veliki, jer je veliki muzičar, a kada Nobelov komitet daje književnu nagradu muzičaru, propušta priliku da ukaže čast piscu“, piše Ana Nort

( Bob Dylan Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature NYT, Oct 3 2016.)

( Why Bob Dylan Shouldn’t Have Gotten a NobelNYT, By ANNA NORTHOCT. 13, 2016)

( The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016

13 OCT 2016Svenska Akademien

( <a href="“ target=“_blank“> The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016″, Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 13 Oct 2016. )

Mr. Tambourine Man

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m going to

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you.

Though I know that evenin’s empire has returned into sand

Vanished from my hand

Left me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping

My weariness amazes me, I’m branded on my feet

I have no one to meet

And the ancient empty street’s too dead for dreaming.

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m going to

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you.

Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin’ ship

My senses have been stripped, my hands can’t feel to grip

My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels

To be wanderin’

I’m ready to go anywhere, I’m ready for to fade

Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way

I promise to go under it.

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m going to

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you.

Though you might hear laughin’, spinnin’ swingin’ madly across the sun

It’s not aimed at anyone, it’s just escapin’ on the run

And but for the sky there are no fences facin’

And if you hear vague traces of skippin’ reels of rhyme

To your tambourine in time, it’s just a ragged clown behind

I wouldn’t pay it any mind, it’s just a shadow you’re

Seein’ that he’s chasing.

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m going to

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you.

Then take me disappearin’ through the smoke rings of my mind

Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves

The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach

Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free

Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands

With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves

Let me forget about today until tomorrow.

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m going to

Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me

In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you.

Bob Dylan

(Bob Dylan songs, Mr. Tambourine Man, sajt Boba Dilana

Knockin' On Heaven's Door

Mama, take this badge off of me

I can’t use it anymore.

It’s gettin’ dark, too dark to see

I feel I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door.

Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door

Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door

Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door

Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door

Mama, put my guns in the ground

I can’t shoot them anymore.

That long black cloud is comin’ down

I feel I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door.

Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door

Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door

Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door

Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door

Bob Dylan>

(Bob Dylan songs, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, sajt Boba Dilana

Like A Rolling Stone

Once upon a time you dressed so fine

You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn’t you?

People’d call, say, „Beware doll, you’re bound to fall“

You thought they were all kiddin’ you

You used to laugh about

Everybody that was hangin’ out

Now you don’t talk so loud

Now you don’t seem so proud

About having to be scrounging for your next meal

How does it feel

How does it feel

To be without a home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone?

You’ve gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely

But you know you only used to get juiced in it

And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street

And now you find out you’re gonna have to get used to it

You said you’d never compromise

With the mystery tramp, but now you realize

He’s not selling any alibis

As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes

And ask him do you want to make a deal?

How does it feel

How does it feel

To be on your own

With no direction home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone?

You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns

When they all come down and did tricks for you

You never understood that it ain’t no good

You shouldn’t let other people get your kicks for you

You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat

Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat

Ain’t it hard when you discover that

He really wasn’t where it’s at

After he took from you everything he could steal

How does it feel

How does it feel

To be on your own

With no direction home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone?

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people

They’re drinkin’, thinkin’ that they got it made

Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things

But you’d better lift your diamond ring, you’d better pawn it babe

You used to be so amused

At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used

Go to him now, he calls you, you can’t refuse

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose

You’re invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal

How does it feel

How does it feel

To be on your own

With no direction home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone?


Like A Rolling Stonebobdylan.com

Forever Young

May God bless and keep you always

May your wishes all come true

May you always do for others

And let others do for you

May you build a ladder to the stars

And climb on every rung

May you stay forever young

Forever young, forever young

May you stay forever young

May you grow up to be righteous

May you grow up to be true

May you always know the truth

And see the lights surrounding you

May you always be courageous

Stand upright and be strong

May you stay forever young

Forever young, forever young

May you stay forever young

May your hands always be busy

May your feet always be swift

May you have a strong foundation

When the winds of changes shift

May your heart always be joyful

May your song always be sung

May you stay forever young

Forever young, forever young

May you stay forever young


Forever Youngbobdylan.com

Blowin' In The Wind

How many roads must a man walk down

Before you call him a man?

How many seas must a white dove sail

Before she sleeps in the sand?

Yes, and how many times must the cannon balls fly

Before they’re forever banned?

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind

The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Yes, and how many years can a mountain exist

Before it is washed to the sea?

Yes, and how many years can some people exist

Before they’re allowed to be free?

Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head

And pretend that he just doesn’t see?

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind

The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Yes, and how many times must a man look up

Before he can see the sky?

Yes, and how many ears must one man have

Before he can hear people cry?

Yes, and how many deaths will it take ’til he knows

That too many people have died?

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind

The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Bob Dylan

(Bob Dylan songs, Blowin’ In The Wind, sajt Boba Dilana

Bibliografija Boba Dilana: 100 pesama i mnogo toga još

Works in English

Bob Dylan Song Book. – New York : M. Witmark, 1965

Bob Dylan Himself : His Words, His Music. – London : Duchess, 1965

Bob Dylan : A Collection. – New York : M. Witmark, 1966

Bob Dylan : The Original. – Warner Bros.- Seven Arts Music, 1968

Tarantula. – New York : Macmillan, 1971

Poem to Joanie / with an introduction by A. J. Weberman. – London : Aloes Seola, 1971

Writings and Drawings. – New York : Knopf, 1973

The Songs of Bob Dylan : From 1966 through 1975. – New York : Knopf, 1976

Lyrics, 1962-1985. – New York : Knopf, 1985

Bob Dylan Anthology. – New York : Amsco, 1990

Drawn Blank. – New York : Random House, 1994

Lyrics, 1962-1996. – New York : Villard, 1997

Lyrics, 1962-1999. – New York : Knopf, 1999

Man Gave Names to All the Animals / illustrated by Scott Menchin. – San Diego, Calif. : Harcourt Brace, 1999

The Definitive Bob Dylan Songbook. – New York : Amsco, 2001

Lyrics : 1962-2001. – New York : Simon & Schuster, 2004

Chronicles : Volume One. – New York : Simon & Schuster, 2004

Bob Dylan : The Drawn Blank Series / edited by Ingrid Mössinger and Kerstin Drechsel. – New York : Prestel, 2007

Hollywood Foto-Rhetoric : The Lost Manuscript / photographs by Barry Feinstein. – New York : Simon & Schuster, 2008

Lyrics / edited by Heinrich Detering. – Stuttgart : Reclam, 2008

Forever Young / illustrated by Paul Rogers. – New York : Atheneum, 2008

Bob Dylan : The Brazil Series. – New York : Prestel, 2010

Man Gave Names to All the Animals / illustrated by Jim Arnosky. – New York : Sterling, 2010

Blowin’ in The Wind / illustrated by Jon J. Muth. – New York : Sterling, 2011

Bob Dylan : The Asia Series. – New York : Gagosian Gallery, 2011

Revisionist Art. – New York : Gagosian Gallery, 2012

Bob Dylan : Face Value / text by John Elderfield. – London : National Portrait Gallery, 2013

If Dogs Run Free / illustrated by Scott Campbell. – New York : Atheneum, 2013

The Lyrics : Since 1962 / edited by Christopher Ricks, Lisa Nemrow and Julie Nemrow. – New York : Simon & Schuster, 2014

If Not for You / illustrated by David Walker . – New York : Atheneum, 2016


Bob Dylan (1962)

The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (1963)

The Times They Are A-Changin’ (1964)

Another Side Of Bob Dylan (1964)

Bringing It All Back Home (1965)

Highway 61 Revisited (1965)

Blonde On Blonde (1966)

Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits (1967)

John Wesley Harding (1968)

Nashville Skyline (1969)

Self Portrait (1970)

New Morning (1970)

Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits Vol. 2 (1971)

Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid (1973)

Dylan (1973)

Planet Waves (1974)

Before The Flood (1974)

Blood On The Tracks (1975)

The Basement Tapes (1975)

Desire (1976)

Hard Rain (1976)

Street Legal (1978)

Bob Dylan At Budokan (1978)

Slow Train Coming (1979)

Saved (1980)

Shot Of Love (1981)

Infidels (1983)

Real Live (1984)

Empire Burlesque (1985)

Biograph (1985)

Knocked Out Loaded (1986)

Down In The Groove (1988)

Dylan & The Dead (1989)

Oh Mercy (1989)

Under The Red Sky (1990)

The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3: Rare And Unreleased 1961-1991 (1991)

Good As I Been to You (1992)

World Gone Wrong (1993)

Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits Vol. 3 (1994)

MTV Unplugged (1995)

The Best Of Bob Dylan (1997)

The Songs Of Jimmie Rodgers: A Tribute (1997)

Time Out Of Mind (1997)

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Bob Dylan Live 1966: The ’Royal Albert Hall’ Concert (1998)

The Essential Bob Dylan (2000)

„Love And Theft“ (2001)

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 5: Live 1975: The Rolling Thunder Revue (2002)

Masked And Anonymous: The Soundtrack (2003)

Gotta Serve Somebody: The Gospel Songs Of Bob Dylan (2003)

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 6: Live 1964: Concert At Philharmonic Hall (2004)

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 7: No Direction Home: The Soundtrack (2005)

Live At The Gaslight 1962 (2005)

Live At Carnegie Hall 1963 (2005)

Modern Times (2006)

The Traveling Wilburys Collection (2007)

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 8: Tell Tale Signs: Rare And Unreleased, 1989-2006 (2008)

Together Through Life (2009)

Christmas In The Heart (2009)

The Original Mono Recordings (2010)

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 9: The Witmark Demos: 1962-1964 (2010)

Good Rockin’ Tonight: The Legacy Of Sun (2011)

Timeless (2011)

Tempest (2012)

The Lost Notebooks Of Hank Williams (2011)

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 10: Another Self Portrait (2013)

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 11: The Basement Tapes Complete (2014)

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 12: The Cutting Edge 1965-1966 (2015)

Shadows In The Night (2015)

Fallen Angels (2016)


Dont Look Back / D. A. Pennebaker, 1967

Eat the Document / D. A. Pennebaker, Howard Alk, Bob Dylan, 1971

Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid / Sam Peckinpah, 1973

Renaldo & Clara / Bob Dylan, 1978

The Last Waltz / Martin Scorsese, 1978

Hard to Handle / Gillian Armstrong, 1986

Hearts of Fire / Richard Marquand, 1987

Masked and Anonymous / Larry Charles ; written by Bob Dylan and Larry Charles, 2003

No Direction Home / Martin Scorsese, 2005

I’m Not There / Todd Haynes, 2007

The Other Side of the Mirror : Bob Dylan Live at the Newport Folk Festival, 1963-1965. / Murray Lerner, 2007

Works in French

Tarantula / traduit de l’anglais par Dashiell Hedayat. – Paris : C. Bourgois, 1972. – Traduction de: Tarantula

Écrits et dessins : „mars 1962-décembre 1970“ / traduit de l’anglais par Robert Louit et Didier Pemerle. – Paris : Seghers, 1975. – Traduction de: Writings and Drawings

Tarantula / traduit de l’anglais par Daniel Bismuth. – Paris : Hachette, 2001. – Traduction de: Tarantula

Chroniques : volume I / traduit de l’anglais par Jean-Luc Piningre. – Paris : Fayard, 2005. – Traduction de: Chronicles : Volume One

Lyrics : chansons, 1962-2001 / traduit de l’anglais par Robert Louit et Didier Pemerle. – Paris : Fayard, 2008. – Traduction de: Lyrics, 1962-2001

Works in Spanish

Canciones / selección, traducción y prólogo de Eduardo Chamorro. – Madrid : Alberto Corazón, 1971

George Jackson y otras canciones / selección y traducción Antonio Resines. – Madrid : Alberto Corazón, 1972

Escritos, canciones y dibujos / traducción de Carlos Álvarez. – Madrid : R. Aguilera, 1975. – Título original: Writings and Drawings

Tarántula / traducción de Horacio Quinto. – Barcelona : Producciones Editoriales, 1976. – Título original: Tarantula

Canciones I / traducción de Carlos Álvarez. – Madrid : Fundamentos, 1984

Canciones II / traducción de Carlos Álvarez. – Madrid : Fundamentos, 1985

Bob Dylan : Greatest hits volume 3 : Unplugged / traducción de Alberto Manzano. – Madrid : Celeste, 1993

Tarántula / traducción de Ignacio Renom. – Madrid : Júcar, 1996. – Título original: Tarantula

Del huracán a las tierras altas : escritos y canciones, 1975-1997 / traducción de Antonio J. Iriarte y Francisco J. García Cubero. – Valencia : Mirada, 1999

Crónicas / traducción de Miquel Izquierdo. – Barcelona : Global Rhythm, 2005. – Título original: Chronicles : Volume One

Tarántula / traducción de Alberto Manzano. – Barcelona : Global Rhythm, 2007. – Título original: Tarantula

Bob Dylan : letras, 1962-2001 / traducción de Miquel Izquierdo y José Moreno. – Madrid : Global Rhythm : Alfaguara, 2007. – Título original: Lyrics : 1962-2001

Fotorretórica de Hollywood : el manuscrito perdido / fotografías de Barry Feinstein ; traducción de Miquel Izquierdo. – Barcelona : Global Rhythm, 2009. – Título original: Hollywood Foto-Rhetoric

Works in Swedish

Bob Dylan / översättning av Bruno K. Öijer och Eric Fylkeson ; illustrationer av Leif Elggren. – Stockholm : Poesiförlaget i samarbete med Cavefors, 1975

Tarantula / översättning av Görgen Antonsson. – Borås : Galder, 1981. – Originalets titel: Tarantula

Tarantula / översättning av Görgen Antonsson ; efterord av Peter Glas ; afterword by Peter Glas. – Lund : Bakhåll, 1999. – Originalets titel: Tarantula

Memoarer. D. 1 / översättning av Mats Gellerfelt. – Stockholm : Prisma, 2004. – Originalets titel: Chronicles : Volume One

Works in German

Texte und Zeichnungen / übersetzt von Carl Weissner. – Frankfurt am Main : Zweitausendeins, 1975. – Originaltitel: Writings and Drawings

Tarantel = Tarantula / übersetzt von Carl Weissner. – Frankfurt am Main : Zweitausendeins, 1976. – Originaltitel: Tarantula

Songtexte : 1962-1985 / übersetzt von Carl Weissner und Walter Hartmann. – Frankfurt am Main : Zweitausendeins, 1987. – Originaltitel: Lyrics 1962-1985

Tarantel / übersetzt von Carl Weissner ; herausgegeben von Wolfgang Smejkal. – St. Andrä-Wördern : Hannibal, 1995. – Originaltitel: Tarantula

Lyrics : 1962-2001 / übersetzt von Gisbert Haefs. – Hamburg : Hoffmann und Campe, 2004. – Originaltitel: Lyrics : 1962 – 2001

Chronicles. Vol. 1 / übersetzt von Kathrin Passig und Gerhard Henschel. – Hamburg : Hoffmann und Campe, 2004. – Originaltitel: Chronicles : Volume One

Lyrics / herausgegeben von Heinrich Detering. – Stuttgart : Reclam, 2008

Further reading

All Across the Telegraph : A Bob Dylan Handbook / edited by Michael Gray and John Bauldie. – London : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1987

Baez, Joan, And a Voice to Sing With : A Memoir. – New York : Summit, 1987

Bauldie, John, Wanted Man : In Search of Bob Dylan. – London : Black Spring Press, 1990

Bob Dylan : Dont Look Back : A Film and Book by D. A. Pennebaker. – New York : Ballantine, 1968

Bob Dylan : ein Kongreß ; Ergebnisse des Internationalen Bob Dylan-Kongresses 2006 in Frankfurt am Main / herausgegeben von Axel Honneth … – Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 2007

Bob Dylan : A Retrospective / edited by Craig MacGregor. – New York : William Morrow, 1972

The Bob Dylan Companion: Four Decades of Commentary / edited by Carl Benson. – New York : Schirmer, 1998

Bob Dylan In His Own Words / compiled by Barry Miles ; edited by Pearce Marchbanks. – New York : Quick Fox, 1978

Braad Thomsen, Christian & Schnack, Asger, Bob Dylan : en guide til hans plader. – København : Høst & Søn, 1998

Bream, Jon, Dylan Disc by Disc. / introductions to the albums and liner notes by Richie Unterberger. – Minneapolis : Voyageur Press, 2015

The Cambridge Companion to Bob Dylan / edited by Kevin J. H. Dettmar. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009

Dalton, David, Det är inte mig ni söker : jakten på Bob Dylan / översättning av Christian Ekvall. – Västerås : Ica, 2013. Orig. titel: Who Is That Man?

Detering, Heinrich, Bob Dylan / översättning av Jim Jakobsson. – Göteborg : Daidalos, 2008

Detering, Heinrich, Die Stimmen aus der Unterwelt : Bob Dylans Mysterienspiele. – München : Beck, 2016

Do You Mr Jones? : Bob Dylan with the Poets and Professors / edited by Neil Corcoran. – London : Chatto & Windus, 2002

Dylan, Bob, Younger Than That Now : The Collected Interviews with Bob Dylan. – New York : Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2004

Dylan on Dylan : The Essential Interviews / edited by Jonathan Cott. – London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2006

Dylan par Dylan : interviews 1962-2004 / édition établie par Jonathan Cott ; traduit de l’anglais par Denis Griesmar. – Paris : Bartillat, 2007. – Traduction de: Bob Dylan : The Essential Interviews

Dylan sobre Dylan : 31 entrevistas memorables / edición a cargo de Jonathan Cott ; traducción de Miquel Izquierdo. – Barcelona : Global Rhythm, 2008. – Traducción de: Dylan on Dylan : The Essential Interviews

Gray, Michael, The Bob Dylan Encyclopedia. – New York : Continuum, 2006 ; updated and revised version, 2008

Gray, Michael, Song and Dance Man III : The Art of Bob Dylan. – London : Cassell, 2000 [Revised version of: Song & Dance Man : The Art of Bob Dylan. – London : Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, 1972]

Harvey, Todd, The Formative Dylan : Transmission and Stylistic Influences 1961-1963. – Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2001

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( The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016., Bob Dylan, Biobibliographical Notes, Svenska Akademien)


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