
dopunjeno 15.3.2013 u 23h37m

Lista iz Davosa

Nece pasti nebo ako ne uvedemo sankcije Rusiji: Vuk Jeremić

Vuk Jeremić, Srđa Popović, i Almira Zejnilagić-Cemel na listi mladih lidera sveta (Young Global Leaders) koju Svetski ekonomski forum u Davosu objavljuje za 2013. Ko su mladi lideri iz Evrope

Predsedavajući Generalne skupštine UN Vuk Jeremić, izvršni direktor organizacije CANVAS i nekadašnji lider Otpora Srđa Popović i Almira Zejnilagić-Cemel, poreklom iz Zvornika u BiH, studentska aktivistkinja, borac protiv korupcije i konsultantkinja uvršteni su u listu od 199 mladih globalnih lidera (Young Global Leaders) koju Svetski ekonomski forum u Davosu objavljuje za 2013. godinu (The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders Class of 2013) za koje pretpostavlja da će bitno uticati na svet u narednim godinama.

Na listi „Mladih globalnih lidera“ iz zemalja našeg regiona našao se i potpredsednik Vlade Crne Gore Igor Lukšić.

Svetski ekonomski forum je 1992. godine pokrenuo globalnu mrežu mladih lidera iz sveta biznisa i neposlovne sfere u koju uključuje uspešne osobe mlađe od 40 godina. Forum mladih globalnih lidera, pod supervizijom, švajcarske vlade okuplja 700 mladih ljudi. Oni dolaze iz 70 različitih zemalja, imaju različita interesovanja i različito obrazovanje.Na listi izabranih 42 odsto su žene.

Svi nominovani prolaze kroz rigorozni proces selekcije koji uključuje i veto za izbor pojedinih kandidata. Aktivni članovi Foruma mladih lidera su uključeni u sastanke, inicijative i istraživanja Svetskog ekonomskog foruma u Davosu. Jedan od ciljeva je i da mladi lideri neformalnim, interaktivnim susretima sa svetskim liderima steknu znanja potrebna za XXI vek (jedan od modela za razvijanje liderskih potencijala oslanja se na Kenedijevu školu s Harvarda (Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century, at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government).

Na listu Foruma a u Davos „200 mladih lidera za godine 2005-2010“ bio je 2004. izabran naš Božidar Đelić, tada već bivši ministar u Đinđićevoj vladi, koji je u intervjuu „Vremenu“ tada rekao: „A posle izbora na listu mladih lidera Svetskog ekonomskog foruma iz Davosa ponovo su me neki od njih pozvali. I evo, desilo se da dobijem fantastičnu ponudu od firme koja je „Real Madrid“ u oblasti svetskih finansija.“

Spisak mladih lidera sa liste iz Davosa za 2013. možete videti na stranici List of 2013 Young Global Leaders Honourees


Evropskih 49

Iz Evrope je iyabrano 49 mladih globalnih lidere 2013.

1. Alexander Atzberger ,China Strategy Head ,SAP AG ,Germany

2. Almira Zejnilagic ,Director ,FTI Consulting ,Bosnia & Herzegovinia

3. Anna Marrs ,Group Head of Strategy and Corporate Development ,Standard Chartered ,United Kingdom

4. Arnaud Ventura ,Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer ,PlaNet Finance ,France

5. Aymeric Sallin ,Founder and Chief Executive Officer ,NanoDimension ,Switzerland

6. Bruno Sánchez-Andrade Nuño ,Director, Science and Technology ,Global Adaptation Institute (GAIN) ,Spain

7. Catherine E. de Vries ,Professor of European Politics, Department of Politics and International Relations ,University of Oxford ,Netherlands

8. Celine Herweijer ,Partner ,PwC ,United Kingdom

9. Christian Mandl ,Chairman ,Maporama Solutions ,France

10. Christine Graeff ,Director-General, Communications and Language Services ,European Central Bank ,Germany

11. Codrut Pascu ,Managing Partner, Black Sea Region ,Roland Berger Strategy Consultants ,Romania

12. Dana Costache ,Founder, Global Culture and Leadership Consultant ,MindSpeaker Global Culture and Leadership ,Romania

13. Daniel Ek ,Chief Executive Officer and Founder ,Spotify Ltd ,Sweden

14. Deepak Madnani ,Founder and Managing Director ,Solar Exports Ltd ,United Kingdom

15. Dries Buytaert ,Founder and Project Lead ,Drupal ,Belgium

16. Elinros Lindal ,Chief Executive Officer, Creative Director and Founder ,ELLA ,Iceland

17. Elizaveta Osetinskaya ,Editor-in-Chief ,Forbes Russia ,Russian Federation

18. Eun-Kyung Park ,Managing Director, Sixx ,Prosiebensat.1 Media AG ,Germany

19. Fabrizio Campelli ,Chief Strategy Officer, Head of Strategy and Planning ,Deutsche Bank AG ,Italy

20. Florence Verzelen ,Managing Director ,GDF SUEZ ,France

21. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck ,Writer and Film Director ,Germany

22. Gilles Mentré ,Special Advisor ,Lazard ,Slovakia

23. Ida Auken ,Minister of the Environment ,Denmark

24. Igor Luksic ,Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro ,Montenegro

25. Jacques Beltran ,Senior Vice-President, Europe, CIS, Turkey ,Alstom International ,France

26. Jesper Buch ,Angel and Seed investor ,Jesper Buch ,Denmark

27. Judith Lingeman ,Head of Charities ,Dutch Postcode Lottery (Nationale Postcode Loterij) ,Netherlands

28. Katie Jackson ,Senior Vice-President, Mergers and Acquisitions ,Statoil (UK) Limited ,United Kingdom

29. Kristina Schröder ,Federal Minister of Family Affairs and Senior Citizens ,Germany

30. Laetitia Puyfaucher ,Chief Executive Officer and Founder ,Pelham Media ,France

31. Lars Jannick Johansen ,Chief Executive Officer ,The Social Capital Fund ,Denmark

32. Lord Nathanael Wei Ming-Yan ,Member of the House of Lords ,United Kingdom

33. Magnus Renfrew ,Director, Asia ,Art Basel ,United Kingdom

34. Mark Pollock ,Adventurer, Athlete and Author ,MarkPollock.Com ,Ireland

35. Martina Viarengo ,Assistant Professor, International Economics ,The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies ,Italy

36. Matthew Parish ,Partner ,Holman Fenwick Willan LLP ,Switzerland

37. Melisande Middleton ,Founder and Director ,Center for International Media Ethics (CIME) ,United Kingdom

38. Michel Martone ,Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Policies ,Italy

39. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem ,Minister of Women’s Rights of France and Spokesperson of the French Government ,France

40. Nikolay Nikiforov ,Minister of Communications and Mass Media ,Russian Federation

41. Philipp Jan Flach ,Managing Director ,DeSeizoenen ,Netherlands

42. Pierre Maudet ,Member of the Executive Council of the State of Geneva in Charge of Security ,City of Geneva ,Switzerland

43. Silje Vallestad ,Founder and Chief Executive Officer ,Bipper ,Norway

44. Silvia Console Battilana ,Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder ,Auctionomics (and xSwan) ,Italy

45. Srdja Popovic ,Executive Director ,CANVAS ,Republic of Serbia

46. Thomas Wilhelmsen ,Chief Executive Officer ,Wallenius Wilhelmsen Group ,Norway

47. Urmas Paet ,Minister of Foreign Affairs ,Estonia

48. Vikas Pota ,Chief Executive Officer ,Varkey GEMS Foundation ,United Kingdom

49. Vuk Jeremic ,President ,United Nations General Assembly , 67th Session ,Republic of Serbia

Izvor: List of 2013 Young Global Leaders Honourees

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